
Orthopedics at Harney District Hospital

Dr. Jay Moore and Sarah Lance, physician assistant, teamed up to provide comprehensive, 在哈尼县为所有年龄段的人(从儿科到老年)提供全身整形护理. Together, they provide clinical evaluations of knee, hip, shoulder, foot, and ankle pain and care for wounds, fractures, and traumatic injuries. 他们还提供急性和选择性手术干预, including hip and knee replacement surgery!

Dr. 摩尔是一名整形外科医生,每个月有两周要往返哈尼县,提供全方位的整形护理. He sees patients in the Specialty Care Clinic, 会诊急诊室病人和骨科创伤, and performs surgeries at Harney District Hospital. 萨拉·兰斯是一名专攻骨科的医师助理. 兰斯是哈尼县的一名居民,他在专业护理诊所全职为骨科病人看病. Moore. 他们还为当地病人提供术后护理, regardless of where their surgeries were performed.

Our Orthopedics Providers

Dr. Moore


BA, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Dr. 摩尔加入了10bet十博体育和新太阳能源公司 & 2023年10bet十博体育专科护理诊所.

Sarah Lance


BS, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA
MMSc, DMSc, George Fox University, Newberg, OR

Sarah Lance加入了10bet十博体育和NewSun能源公司 & 2023年10bet十博体育专科护理诊所.

Meet Dr. Moore

Dr. 摩尔一直在提供全面的骨科护理, including joint replacements, 在该中心——一个基于弯曲的骨科和神经外科机构——工作了18年. 在过去的15年里,他还在普林维尔(Prineville)从事普通骨科手术,对身体的所有部位都很熟练.

He grew up and attended high school in Spokane, Wash. After graduating from Ferris High School, 他以优异的成绩毕业于西雅图的华盛顿大学, majoring in zoology and minoring in French. 随后,他在路易斯安那州新奥尔良的杜兰大学医学院完成了双学位课程., 获得医学学位(MD)和公共卫生硕士(MPH),重点是卫生系统管理.

Next, Dr. Moore moved to Denver, Colo.他在科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)完成了五年的骨科住院医师实习期. He was trained in pediatric orthopedic surgery, joint replacement, trauma, sports medicine, spine, and foot and ankle. He worked at Denver Health (a Level 1 trauma center), University of Colorado Hospital at Anchutz, the children’s hospital, and the veteran’s hospital, 并帮助照顾科罗拉多大学水牛城足球队. He served as chief resident, received awards for his research, and was recognized as an outstanding teacher.

Dr. 摩尔随后在西雅图港景医疗中心完成了华盛顿大学的足部和脚踝研究. 他擅长踝关节置换手术和高级足部和踝关节重建,并担任华盛顿大学医学院骨科高级临床讲师.

In addition to taking him around the country, Dr. 摩尔的教育和职业追求使他走遍了世界各地. 他本科期间在法国留学,并在洪都拉斯和尼泊尔从事国际医学工作. 他可以用英语、西班牙语和法语与病人交流.

Dr. Moore and his family currently reside in Bend. He and his wife have been married for 26 years, 他们的儿子是Summit高中的高三学生,女儿是大学二年级的学生. As an Eagle Scout, Dr. Moore loves the outdoors and staying active.

他很高兴能把他的技能带到10bet十博体育,并期待着与员工建立关系, patients, and the community. 他说哈尼县急需整形外科医生, 他致力于为伯恩斯提供最先进的骨科手术服务.

Meet Sarah Lance

萨拉·兰斯在接受高等教育成为一名医师助理之前就住在哈尼县. 她和她的丈夫在经过这里的时候爱上了这个地方, 他们决定放弃加州快节奏的生活,换一个养满马的牧场, cows, chickens, dogs, and cats. 他们在哈尼县已经住了四年了,他们不打算很快离开!

Sarah’s introduction to medicine came at a young age. She grew up in Sacramento, Calif. 并经常前往中美洲协助祖母进行医疗任务. 她在17岁时搬到西班牙,然后回到美国加州大学上大学, Santa Cruz, 她在那里主修神经科学并进行神经退行性研究. 后来,她决定成为一名紧急医疗技术员。, 与洛杉矶及周边地区的西班牙语社区合作.

搬到哈尼县后,莎拉决定从事医师助理的职业. 她就读于乔治福克斯大学,同时完成了硕士和博士学位课程. During this time, she received specialty training in orthopedics, completing a rotation at The Center in Bend. While she was wrapping up her doctorate degree, 莎拉被伯恩斯的专科护理诊所聘用了. 她在中心完成了一些额外的在职培训,然后在当地诊所全职工作.

萨拉的主要目标之一是与专业护理的医疗保健专业人员进行协调, Family Care, 及透过转介及直接沟通,到体能及运动治疗诊所. For example, she works closely with Athletic Trainer Kaitlin Patterson to care for patients with sports injuries and Registered Dietitian Tori Garner 将糖尿病护理、营养与骨科相结合. 她还与患者的初级保健提供者一起工作,以确保他们得到及时和适当的护理.

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Call 541-573-4099 to make an appointment.

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